Pirate Pete
“From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow. ~Aeschylus”
CALL US: 1-847-755-1739

This school year we have one preschool session that runs from 8:30 AM - 11:45 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Tuition is $250 each semester.
Preschool is IN PERSON this year and we will continue to follow CDC's guidance for schools with regards to masks..
**Due at the time of registration along with a copy of the child's birth certificate, physical and immunization records is the completed registration packet.

**A $50 NON-Refundable is due at the time of registration.
**Checks for the rest of tuition can be made out to Palatine High School once the school year begins.
Registration is CLOSED for the 2024-2025 school year.
We fill up quickly so it's always a good idea to submit your information to our mailing list as soon as you are interested in our program. Once you are on the mailing list you can look for an email in March with registration information for the following year.
If you have any questions about being added to our waiting list for next year please email Kris Stary at kstary@d211.org.

Give us a call:
